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How to Write a Blog when you don’t know what to write?

We all know blogs can help your business. It can help increase engagement to your website and help you interact with customers. It can also give you content for your social media so why do so many businesses not do it?

Finding inspiration can be challenging and keeping to an uploading schedule might just feel impossible for some businesses.

The first hurdle you come to is choosing a topic, you need to make sure it will interest your readers but also make sure you are enjoying what you are writing. Here are some of our steps to help you re-discover your inspiration for your blog and post as often as you can.

  1. Brainstorm

This is most important to finding your inspiration. Think about who is visiting your website and create a customer persona, try and think what this customer might be interested in and what would help engagement with this customer. Once you feel like you know your customer start to brainstorm ideas. Remember when creating a blog current news will need to be uploaded fast to stay on trend, or have your own unique opinion on a topic which will keep people interested.

If you are finding it hard to create a customer persona, brainstorm everything you have heard or seen in the last week that caught your attention. This could be a news post, a quote which you have been thinking about or something which happened to you personally. See if you can then turn any of these experiences into an interesting post.

  1. Research

Pick a few of your favourite ideas from your brainstorm and start researching them. Look at articles, possibly other blogs and see what people have said about this topic, did it get any engagement or were people not interested. Through this research you can start to get a feel for what interests you and what you will want to write about. At this point make sure you do not copy main ideas from someone and have your own take on the subject.

2. Start a draft

Once you have chosen your topic, start a draft. This could be a list of the points you want to make within your blog. Start off with brief notes and key points you want to get across to your audience. Don’t worry about writing it all in one go, keeping it brief at first will allow you to find the points you want to expand on. Allow yourself time on each point as you start to expand it and add details to the blog.

3.Walk away

You have started your draft and you feel you are re-writing the same point over and over again. Stand up and just walk away from your screen for a while or find another task to do in the meantime. This will help clear your head and allow you to come back with a fresh mind and possibly new ideas. Allowing your mind to switch off for a few minutes can help you begin to look at things in a new light!

4. Come back to finish

Complete your draft and let yourself read over it a few times. At this point allow other colleagues to look over your blog and see if it keeps them engaged. A new pair of eyes will be able to pick up on mistakes you may have overlooked.

Overall it is crucial to remember writing blogs should be fun for you and should always keep you interested. If you are not interested in the topic the chances are your reader will be able to tell, you don’t need a 10 page long post either, keeping it short and precise will be ideal for busy readers. Remember that although it is important to have an uploading schedule don’t let this control your life. Go out and find inspiration even if this means missing one post.

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